Hopeful Thoughts

Argentina Day 9, September 13, 2009

Today was our last Sunday to work with the kids at the two churches. We taught the kids about how Moses lead God’s people out of Egypt. Emily D. took on the job of telling the story this time, and she did great!

We went to the City Bell church for their morning service. We had about 6 kids to work with.

The City Bell kids working on their craft.  They used cotton ball to make the pillar of cloud and tissue paper to make the pillar of fire.

The City Bell kids working on their craft. They used cotton ball to make the pillar of cloud and tissue paper to make the pillar of fire.

This was a sort of sad time, because it would be our last time to work with the people at the CIty Bell church. We have come to love them, and it will be difficult to say farewell.

The girls say Good-Bye to TIna.  She is the lady we were able to assist with some home repairs.

The girls say Good-Bye to TIna. She is the lady we were able to assist with some home repairs.

After the service, we found out that the Nigerians from our hotel had come. They had actually been moved to La Plata, but figured out how to get rides back to City Bell to be able to worship with us. Most of them have been signed to Argentine Soccer teams, but Lawson and Emmanuel would be returning to Nigeria that evening.

Team women posing with the Nigerians after church.

Team women posing with the Nigerians after church.

Don, Ken, and Greg take a photo with the Nigerian Soccer players.

Don, Ken, and Greg take a photo with the Nigerian Soccer players.

After we all had our photo opportunity with these guys (which we thought was a good idea because they might be famous soccer players one day!!!) they blessed us with some of their native praise music. I need help from my husband to post video, but I plan to do that when I am back in the US. Keep checking back! In the meantime, here are a few pictures of the performance.

SingingNigerians DancingNigerians AlainaWithNigerian

After lunch, we went back to Kurt and Lore’s house for a real Argentine Asado. This is basically a big cook out. Kurt fired up the grill and we dined on sausage, and big pieces of beef. It was a lot of fun.

ArgentineGrill MEAT MeatAndMate

The Asado was also a time of fellowship with the Short Term team and those who are Full TIme missionaries in Argentina.

OldMen Rambows CoolBaby

All that food sure can make you sleepy, though. It was a beautiful day to be out!

Barbie and Alaina take their siesta.

Barbie and Alaina take their siesta.

After the Asado, Emily D, Evelyn, and I rode to La Plata with the Rambows. We got to do a little shopping at the “Hippie Fair” that sets up in the plaza every Saturday and Sunday.

Then, we headed to La Unión church in La Plata to help out with the Sunday School one last time.

We headed back to the hotel for our last night when the evening was over. The ladies decided to debrief over mate before turning in for the night. We have all purchased our very own mates to take home with us, and this was our first chance to use them.

Emily Evelyn